Suicide: A Taboo Topic by Choice

Meril Eappen
3 min readJul 24, 2021


I was 13 when my English teacher committed suicide. My mom woke me up early in the morning as she got a call from the school informing us that he passed away. I still remember how I stood staring at her for a minute or two and burst into crying. He was passionate, enthusiastic, and always emboldening us to perform better. There were days when I wished he would just walk into the class and surprise us. There were days when I wished he would come back to his lovely wife and two kids. But it never happened. Nobody talked about him anymore. Nobody cared. I saw him in my dreams and asked why he did something unimaginable that baffled everyone. He cried uncontrollably and I woke up startled from my dream.

I always wondered if he wanted to die?

Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

“People do not die from suicide; they die from sadness”

According to WHO, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds. It is the tenth leading cause of death worldwide. The complexity of suicide devastates the near and dear ones of the people who chose suicide over life.

Depression and Suicide

We all have felt depressed one time or another but when the feeling of unhappiness stays for a longer period leading to self-harm, it can be life-threatening. Most of the time, depression is left untreated as we either ignore it or do not understand what the person is going through.

Causes of Depression and Suicide

Not everyone who is depressed commits suicide and vice versa but there are some correlations between the both.

· Family history and childhood trauma can cause depression as it gets difficult to cope with certain situations due to low self-esteem.

· physical or sexual abuse can lead to isolation or loneliness which can lead one to suicidal tendencies.

· Certain medical conditions like chronic pain or illness can cause depression and most suicides are related to mental health conditions and depression.

Signs and Symptoms

· Lack of energy, and pleasure in activities of daily life

· Lack of hope and passion

· Feeling worthless and isolating oneself

· Lower productivity and being self-critical

· Diminished sexual desire

· Anger, irritability, and restlessness

· Changes in sleep pattern such as excessive sleepiness or insomnia

· Changes in cognitive abilities, loss of memory and concentration.

A new study reveals that depression between the ages of 10 and 24 can cause diseases and impairment in the future. Childhood depression leads to decreased social functioning, health issues, lower productivity at work or in academics, and lower socioeconomic status as adults.

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Childhood depression tends to be more common in inner cities, being most frequently related to serious social deprivation, bullying, domestic violence, wartime experience, and famine. It is, for example, a serious problem among children who are traumatised refugees.”- Robert Winston

How to overcome the Situation

· Risk factor awareness at the school level among teachers. Parents and guardians.

· Better screening processes among children for early detection

· Proper intervention, treatment and lifestyle changes

· Counselling, educating, and support for their families to overcome the situation

When in doubt

· Always ask for help. Talking to counsellors or listening services can ease the stress, make a positive change, and help overcome anxiety.

· Talking with counsellors helps you understand why you are experiencing depression or suicidal feelings.

· Change Lifestyle to include regular exercise, proper sleep, a healthy balanced diet, and maintaining treatment or counselling.

· Effective support needs during the transition to adulthood

Depression is treatable and suicide is preventable with the right support and care. Let’s do our best to help a fellow being.

“We rise by lifting others”- Robert Ingersoll



Meril Eappen

I'm a freelance writer and it's all about writing a good story with a cup of coffee. To simply flourish and uplift others.